Experience The Trills And Excitement Of Flying Radio Control Airplanes
How can we all spark the interest of radio controlled hobbies in young people’s minds? This is an area that we as RC modelers should be working on any way we can. Some suggestions would be to set up some informational seminars or sessions at the local schools. Approaching the scout troops in your area is … Continue reading “Creating Interest In The Radio Controlled Hobbies”
As I get to thinking about building radio controlled model airplane kits, I remember back to my first airplane. I not only built the airplane from a kit, but I also built the radio from a kit. It was a Heathkit radio that I bought through a catalog, and when it came it was in … Continue reading “Radio Controlled Hobby Nostalgia”
Winter is fast giving way to Spring. Are you ready for the upcoming radio controlled modeling season? Is your club or organization planning some events for 2008? I will be happy to help you get the word out. Just add your event list to your comments and I will post them in the upcoming blog … Continue reading “Are You In The RC Hobby Mindset For Spring?”