Have Fun, But Stay Safe Doing It
We all enjoy a day of nice weather and good flying and we share in the most exiting and fun hobby there is. Sharing in a common interest and having a good time with friends will create lasting pleasant memories and topics for discussion for a long time to come. However, an accident, fire, or careless flying or ground handling of remote control planes can ruin the day or even worse.
First of all, if you are flying at a sanctioned AMA flying field, be aware that safety rules are in place for the good of everyone on the site. They pertain to spectators as well as fliers. For instance there are certain designated areas that fliers are allowed access to and seperate areas where spectators need to stay. We need to learn what the safety rules are for the flying field and we must stay in compliance with them. This may sound a little harsh, but improper use and handling of rc model airplanes can cause serious injury. All we have to do is to use common sense and follow the rules. Everyone must stay in their designated areas and be especially careful that children are kept from wandering into the pit area or onto the runway.
Tips For Safe Flying And Handling Of RC Model Planes
When preparing your model for flight, try to limit the number of people that are in the immediate proximity of your plane. You shouldn’t have more than two people involved in starting and tuning the engine. The prop on an engine that is running at full throttle can be very dangerous. You can use some kind of anchoring device to hold the plane in place while it is being started and tuned or have a reliable person holding it until you are ready for takeoff. Be sure to use a “chicken stick” or an electric starter in order to avoid injury.
The area directly in line with the lengthwise direction of the prop should be cleared of any bystanders. Also, it is a good idea to dip the tips of the prop intp some white or yellow paint to help make the spinning prop more visible. Black propellers are almost impossible to see when the engine is running.
Don’t forget to do the radio function test before flying. Anything can happen when a pilot loses the ability to control the airplane. Having a crash is bad enough but if someone gets hurt it is much more serious.
Flying RC Planes Is A Safe Hobby
I don’t want to frighten anyone away from rc flying, but we all need to be careful. It is a safe sport but accidents can happen. If everyone does their part to help keep it safe, we all can have fun flying and still be able to return for another day of remote control airplane fun.
Tail Feathers Trivia Section
The “tail feathers trivia” section is where you will find the administrator-approved stories, questions, and photo and video links that you as readers can send to me at admin@talkingrchobbies.com. That’s right I am interested in what you have to say to me and the other readers of this blog about remote control airplanes. If you have photos or videos or stories of interesting or humorous remote control airplane events please feel free to submit them to OldManFlier and if approved, they will be presented in this blog for all to enjoy. Thanks in advance.
My 7-day eCourse is a series of daily emails that explain the seven basic steps in detail about how you can get started in the radio control airplane hobby. It will present everything one step each day so that you can have time to read, digest, and start working on what you need to have and what you need to know to successfully get started flying. The way to get started is to sign up for it in the far right upper corner of this page where it says “Get OldManFlier’s Seven Easy Steps To RC Flying”. As soon as you get signed up for it, you can expect it to be in your inbox in a few short days. Try it, I think you will like it. It costs you nothing and it is packed with useful information. This is the OldManFlier and I’ll see you next time.